Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Week of February 20th

 I just want to thank each of the parents who came yesterday and helped make it such a success! Our group did such a great job that we got to experience something I have never seen before in all the years I have done Wagons Ho! We got to learn how to make a rope! It was gifted to me and I will be displaying it in our classroom for everyone to enjoy. The parents who helped out yesterday were Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Navarro, Mr. Daltow, Mrs. Quiroz, Mr. Hogan, Mr. Duffel, Mrs. Hodges, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Grandma Phillips. My dad, Mr. Ryan, even came and helped out and taught the kids how to rope a calf! I went home exhausted and smelling like campfire smoke, but happy. It was a great day! I uploaded all of the pictures that I took to a Google Drive folder that you can access by clicking HERE. If you also took some pictures, please email them to me and I will add them to the folder. 


This week in ELA we will NOT have a Morning Warm-Up quiz, even though it is our week to do so. With Wagons Ho! yesterday I don't feel like it would be fair. So that will just be a daily work grade for the week. We DO have a spelling test on List T on Friday still. 

February Reading Calendars will be due soon, just an FYI so you can make sure your student has those up to date. 

Roaring Readers are due back by March 21st. As soon as your student has those minutes completed they are welcome to turn them in. Just a reminder that those minutes are supposed to be in addition to school work, so please make sure your student is turning in their reading calendars. :)


We are continuing our work on fractions in Topic 9 this week. Please check in with your student each evening and have them show you that they have completed their IXL math homework over the assigned skills. I have many that are not completing any each week and it is affecting their grade and their learning. We are coming up on the end of our time together in 4th grade and I keep encouraging my students to finish strong. 

Help Vision Charter School PFSA raise funds for our students by telling the waitress that you are from Vision Charter School when ordering and they will donate back 10% of the total purchase back to Vision Charter School. If they ask for a flyer, pull out your phone and show them the post on the school instagram page at vision_charter_school or facebook at https:///

Our PFSA completely funded our Wagons Ho! experience which we would not have been able to have without. Please take every opportunity you have to support their fundraisers. They do incredible things for our school!!

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