Thursday, August 10, 2023

Welcome to Mrs. Martindale's 4th Grade Class!

 I am so excited to have your student in my class this year! 4th Grade is full of new learning and lots of growth. Thank you for entrusting me with your precious child. As a mom, I know that it takes a lot to trust someone else with the care of your child. It is not a privilege that I take lightly. Please know that I am here for the success of your child. 


I try very hard to communicate with you the parents/guardians as much as possible. I will post here on the blog weekly to update you on what we will be learning in class or other important information. I will send an email out each week that says "Please click HERE." and you can click on the "HERE" to be taken to the new blog post. Please read those each week so that you stay informed on what is going on here with your student.

If you need to contact me, email is best. I will do my best to respond within one school day. I do not check my email in the evenings or on the weekends because I am a mom too and try really hard to be present with my family when I am not at school. :)

Transportation Changes:

If your child needs to go home a different way than usual, please email to let her know. Mrs. Bowers will send a note to class to let your student know. It's ok if you include me in the email, but make sure Mrs. Bowers gets it. There have been times when I am home with a sick kiddo and didn't get the email and the office didn't know. 

Please know that I will NEVER take your child's word for a transportation change. It is not because I don't trust your student, it is policy and ensures your child's safety which is our top priority.

If you or the person picking up your child from school is new, please have your ID ready to show the office or the personnel out front. We take safety very seriously and will not let your child go unless proper ID is shown. :)

Home Folders:

Your student will get a folder from me that is meant to go back and forth each day from home to school and school to home. There is a sheet protector in it that will be for their monthly reading calendars and their weekly spelling lists. Please keep those things in there so that your student has access to them at school as well.

Must Do/May Do:

Part of our day each day will be what we call Must Do/May Do time. Students must do the Must Dos in the order they are listed. When those are complete and they have checked them off with me, they may choose an activity from the May Do list. These things are still academic, but more fun. The first three Must Dos are unfinished/late work, IXL math homework, and reading 20 minutes. Those things are homework if they are not finished in class. Please encourage your student to take advantage of the opportunity to get homework done in class so that they don't have to worry about it at home.


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