Thursday, May 16, 2024

Weeks of May 13th and 20th

 I apologize for not getting this week's post out sooner. It has been a busy week trying to get everything tied up for the end of the year! Please read through this post carefully as there are some important details for the last week of school. 

Field Day:

Our field day is next Wednesday the 22nd from 8:45-10:25. Please make sure your student wears appropriate clothing and shoes so that they can really have fun without worrying about twisting an ankle or anything. Putting sunscreen on them and sending hats is also a good idea. They can't wear hats in the building, but it might be nice to have outside. 

I still need one more parent volunteer from our class to help out at field day. If you are able, please let me know! You need to be here by 8:40 to help get the field set up. Remember, you need your current ID to be let into the building. :)

Music Show Off Day:

Our music show off day is next Thursday the 23rd from 9:05-9:40. Students need to have turned in their application by today to Mrs. Ellis so that she can have everything ready for that day. If your student forgot, you may be able to send her an email at , although I am not sure if that will work. :)

From Mrs. Ellis:

The show off day performances will be live streamed to the school's private music Facebook page. You may ask to join by clicking the link below. You MUST answer the question AND agree to the rules BEFORE 7:00a.m. on Thursday, May 23, in order to be admitted into the group for the live streams. Thank you!  

Classroom Library Books:

If your student still has a library book from my classroom library I will send home one more notice with them today. If it isn't returned by Monday, they will need to either bring money to replace it or I will have them do community service during Snack and Track all next week to earn the price of replacement for the book. Please help them get those into their backpacks for Monday. :)

Backpacks and Supplies:

We will be using our supplies and backpacks all next week. I will have students clean out their desks and bring everything home on the last day of school. Please make sure your student has their backpack for the last day of school, they will need it to bring everything home! If your student will not be here on the last day of school, please let me know so that I can send home their things and my end of year gift for them. :)

Monday, May 6, 2024

Week of May 6th

 I cannot believe we only have three weeks left of school this year! This year has FLOWN by and I am not ready for my students to move on. I teasingly told them I am just going to hold them all back in 4th grade so that I can have them for one more year. :) But ready or not, the end is coming and these next three weeks are going to be so full of fun activities! 


This week in ELA we are going to finish up our novel, Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing. We will be doing some activities that go along with that novel as well. We will be working on some End of Year (EOY) assessments as well to show how much growth my students have made this year. 


I let my students know today that I will not be assigning any IXL math homework for the rest of the year. Students who have work that is listed as "missing" in Infinite Campus will need to work on that as homework. If your student can show you their Infinite Campus and it doesn't have anything as "missing", they don't have any homework besides their May Reading Calendar. 


Science Fair Projects are due next Monday, May 13th. Students need to have their project turned in on time as we will be presenting those to the class through out next week. Our Science Fair is on Thursday, May 16th from 5:30-7:00 and you are invited to come and see the hard work that our elementary students have put in. It is always so impressive to see what they come up with!

ISAT Party:

At this point it looks like all of my students will be attending the ISAT Party! I am so proud of them for the hard work they have put in on these tests! We will be doing this on Monday, May 13th at the end of the day. If you would like to donate to that party, please let me know. We are hopefully going to have pizza and root beer floats to celebrate!

Field Day:

We will be doing Field day on Wednesday, May 22nd from 8:45-10:25. Students need to come to school dressed for the day with tennis shoes and clothes they can comfortable run in. Mrs. Nickel is requesting 2 parent volunteers per classroom to help out. If you would like to volunteer you need to be here by 8:40 to help set up, be able to be here for the duration of our time, and bring a water bottle and sunscreen. If you would like to volunteer, please email me and I will take parents on a first come first serve basis. I will confirm with you by email if you are going to be a volunteer or a back up volunteer.